I know I’m a little late posting this since many of us (us included) are now starting back to school. But so many folks have been asking that I do more “day in the life” videos and I finally got around to doing another one! This time, I take you on a typical summer day here in the Fearon Household! So, yeah, it’s kinda boring. But hopefully, you’ll enjoy it!
Oh and have you joined the challenge yet??? Join our Broke to $5k Challenge and make saving $5,000 this year possible! The Broke to $5k Challenge signup https://jessifearon.com/broketo5kchallenge
Also, in this video, I share with you one of our family’s favorite meals – meatballs! So if you haven’t yet tried our family’s meatball recipe, head here to grab it! https://jessifearon.com/2019/05/our-familys-favorite-meatball-recipe-shhh-its-healthy.html
The summer school curriculum that I used with my boys (and that I’m now using for good since we’re actually homeschooling this year) is from The Good and The Beautiful! The program I use with my daughter is ABC Mouse alongside The Good and The Beautiful’s preschool program. I let her do ABC Mouse sometimes while I’m teaching the boys so she’s not distracting them.
Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel, that way you don’t miss out on new videos!
Let me know what you think and if you want to see more videos like this!
The workout group I’m a part of is FIA Nation and they are fantastic! You should definitely check them out and see if there’s a group local to you (or consider starting one!).
Also, if you’re wondering how we afford to take summer vacations as a family of five, this video here goes into more detail on setting up and maintaining sinking funds! We use sinking funds for pretty much everything including planning and saving for family vacations so we don’t go back into debt!
The post Day in the Life – Summer Edition of a SAHM of 3 Kids appeared first on Jessi Fearon.